References & Useful Links

citations for sources used in generating some of the content on this website:

  1. Mutembei, R. (2017). ‘Tragic Case of Drug Abuse in Schools and Homes’, The Standard, 05 March. Available at: (Accessed: 01 January 2021).
  2. KNA. (2019). ‘Shocking Details of Drugs Often Abused by High School Students’, Business Today, 14 August. Available at:,rank%20high%20on%20the%20list&text=The%20research%20findings%20revealed%20that,and%20prescription%20drugs%20at%2030%25 (Accessed: 01 January 2021).
  3. Michael’s House. (2008). ‘8 Dangerous Side Effects of Cocaine Addiction You Might Not Know’, 13 November. Available at: (Accessed: 01 January 2021).
  4. (2017). Cyberbullying’Available at: (Accessed: 01 January 2021).
  5. GenerationMe.  (2021). ‘Use & Care of Reusable Menstrual Cloths and Pads’

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